Throughout our lives opportunities and possibilities present themselves to us all. Whether we choose to accept them is completely up to us. It’s our individual choice.
These choices are made much easier when there is only one person to consider. For couples and families these situations require more discussion, negotiation and compromise to ensure everyone involved sees the potential for change and win/wins are reached.
My life is again changing. Fortunately for me I love variety and exploring all of what life has to offer, to continue to evolve and become and experience more!
7 months ago I had no idea what was install for me with a decision that was mutually made in my private life. Life was good, but we desired different outcomes for the long term, and that’s ok. Honouring ourselves, we realised it was time for change. I’ll always be so grateful for what we had and cherish those memories. Our lives moved on 💗.
If we can live authentically and be totally honest with ourselves and follow what we know to be true to us (and that’s different for everyone) and follow it with faith and trust that what we truly desire is available and not settle for less than that…it WILL actualise. I’m living proof of this!
Yes it requires work - inner work, going deep to heal past wounds etc, to enable us to release them completely. Fear of being alone, abandoned, financial uncertainty examples, to free us so we can evolve and create the life we aspire and dream of.
This is part of the work I do helping others to free themselves. To open to receive ‘new’. Otherwise old patterning and old beliefs will continue a cycle of same-ness and repeating old habits in relationships, careers etc…
You can change this and I can help you do that!
Why wouldn’t you?? If you too are ready for more, ready to start a new year with new opportunities and possibilities, msg me. It’s time for more!
So now I’m in a transition period!
As of late yesterday, this is now my beautiful backyard! I’ve chosen nature and wildlife instead of my daily beach walk - which I can still do anytime, it just requires a car and drive now!! 🤣

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