My beautiful boy Bailey ascended to heaven on Tuesday 16th April, 2024.

My day with him started as it always did with a small walk. He used to manage much longer walks, but in these past few months his body really started to show signs of ageing and slowing down. I always let him decide which route we'd take, as we had worked out several.

This particular morning he just wanted to go across the road to our local park.  Our smallest walk and that's totally ok with me. When there is no-one in the park, I let him off his lead so he can go at his own pace and sniff around.  That's what happened this particular day.  On returning home, as we always do, he stepped off the roadside kerb to cross the street.  Only this time he slightly stumbled and after just a few steps, his back leg gave out and he couldn't get up. Fortunately I was able to support him to get to the other side and my partner Paolo was literally just 2 minutes away to come and carry him home.

Bailey had lost all strength in one of his hind legs and couldnt' put weight on it.  I thought he must of dislocated his hip or something.  Anyway, he didn't seem to stressed with it and just sat on his favourite bed in my clinic. I gave him 2 pain killers anyway.

I called an emergency mobile vet. Pawssum were available.  Sha was truly wonderful.  An earth angel vet.  She gave him an additional strong pain killer to reduce the swelling, before examining him, so he wouldn't be in any discomfort. 

Bailey's diagnosis wasn't good. He had broken his foot in a place she said 'shouldn't break'. The underlying cause of this being arthritis and cancer.  She advised us that his bones had become brittle and there was no point in doing surgery because it would be too stressful and he would suffer.  He would continue to deteriorate from now on anyway.  The cancer had spread through his lymphatic system. He had started to limp recently and had trouble getting up and lying down.  Still a 'pup' in his mind, but his body was slowly beginning to fail him.

The decision, as devastating and heart breaking as it was, was easy. I would never want Bailey to suffer in any way. With Paolo and I present with Sha, Bailey was ever so gently put to sleep, after a big bowl of ice-cream!

He was so incredibly calm the entire time.  He knew it was his time.  He told me so in his own way.
I always knew that this day would one day come.  I /we just didn't expect it would be that day and so soon. It was such a sudden shock for us both.

He's at peace now.  I'm still coming to terms with him not being here and never seeing him again, but I've felt his presence these past few days since his passing.  He's been with me here in the clinic giving me comfort and still helping me from the other side.

He's happy, he's free again to now fully run and play with the other heavenly pups.

After Sha drove off with him, Paolo and I had a huge hug and cry together.  Butterflys literally showed up from nowhere and started hovering around us, and then one big black and white one came right up in front of us and hovered for several minutes. We smiled through the tears knowing it was an obvious sign that he was totally ok!

The moral of all his...


Eat your favourite ice-cream; Tell people how you feel; Get up early; Stay in bed longer; Go on that holiday; Stay; Leave; Wear your favourite jewellery; Chillax more, it's ok; Buy that item you've been admiring for so long; Use your favourite cutlery; Start that new venture; Hug more; Allow yourself to cry; Do whatever it takes to create YOUR life.  NOW is IMPORTANT. Not later.
Live YOUR LIFE YOUR way. Don't worry about what others may say or think.  It's none of your business.

I know I harp on about this so so often in my fb posts and other newsletter updates etc, but it's just so important.  Life can and does change, or can be taken in a heartbeat, anywhere and any time.

Bailey was such a great example of living life fully in the present.  He would always let us know when we needed to stop talking or go for a walk or play with him.  Fully Present! He's left knowing he had an incredible life and was so unconditionally loved by me, and visa versa. He will be dearly missed by everyone who was blessed to have known him these past 12+ years.  This pic (and so many others) was taken by my brother (who was visiting that weekend) just 2 days prior to Bailey's passing. He was happy to the end!

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