I spent years in my youth and younger years trying to be everything others wanted me to be. I wanted to be accepted, to be liked. I did silly, stupid things just to ‘fit in’, which I didn’t want to do.
I knew I was different and I thought I’d be rejected and alone if I allowed my true authentic self to be seen.
I always said ‘yes’ even when really wanted to say ‘no’.
I married an abusive man. Better him than no-one. I didn’t want to be left on the shelf. My body image issues were a huge problem for many many years. I’d deprive myself of food to get skinny until eventually my bowels stopped working and I was hospitalized.
Can you relate to any of this in your life?
I’m much older and wiser now.
I value who I am. I love that I’m unique, that I’m different.
I wave a wand 🪄 around at work for goodness sake!! 🤣🤣
What others think of me has nothing to do with me and I know I will always attract the people that I resonate with and who will love and accept me as I am!
It used to be exhausting living that old way. Now I’m free to just be me and I love me and I love my life!
I did the work. I spent years going within. I went to self help workshops etc to help me to clear all my negative self talk, self beliefs, self sabotage and patterns. It works!
Now I’m one of those specialized healers!  I’ve been a healer for 15 years!
I help others to release all their past negative emotions, beliefs and behaviours.
My work is unique. It’s fast. It’s non-confronting, it’s safe and it works!
When you’re truly ready to step into ALL OF YOU, to release those parts of you that are holding you back, stopping you BEING ALL OF YOU, msg me!
It’s time! The world needs YOU!
Msg me!

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