When you know, you know!  It's that constant niggling or maybe it's a nagging from your gut to make a change, to do something different or speak your truth to someone that you've been putting off.

There come's a time in all our lives when change is either chosen or forced upon us.  Either way, if we can stay open, flexible and believe that everything happens for a reason for us to learn and grow, to step into more of who we truly are and what's possible, the journey to change becomes a little easier to navigate.

Yes, it often requires faith and trust but isn't that what life is all about anyway? 
The only guarantee we actually have in change. Have you noticed that oftentimes, just when we get 'comfortable', change is just around our corner!?  Life is supposed to be a 'journey' after all, and I believe we are never too old to start something new, and trust in the magic of beautiful beginnings.
It's all part of our own unique evolution.

My life is about to change again! 

Now those of you who know me personally know how much I love living close to the beach and on the southern side of the Gold Coast, but that is all about to change, which is something I'm very familiar with!  

The great thing about moving is it gives us the opportunity to clear out the old outdated stuff we no longer require (physcially and emotionally) to create brand new space.

The need to live much closer to my parents, who live on the northern end of the Gold Coast, has arrived.  It's important that we take care, to the best of our ability, of those who are dearest to us, and now it's my turn to support them as much as possible.

Fortunately for me, I do embrace change.  There is always something new to explore, new people to meet, friends to make, new opportunities to create! Yes, I'm sad to be leaving my beautiful environment, but this is all part of my ongoing journey and evolution.  I'm looking forward to spending more quality time with my parents and those I love and cherish.

Have you felt the need for change lately? Is there something that's stopping you, blocking you from making the decision to simply trust and go for it..whatever that may be? Examples could be moving locations (as I am, or further afield interstate or overseas), changing jobs/careers, getting your physical body into shape, changing/creating relationships, or starting something brand new that you've always wanted to do or become?

Are you someone who needs 'certainty', an absolute knowing about everything before you proceed?  This can create such fear, stress, anxiety and unnecessary worry, sleepless nights, digestion issues, melancholy and will stop you proceeding.  Eventually these emotions will trap themselves in your physical body causing various ailments, pain and discomforts. 

None of us have absolute certainty or guarantees about anything in life. We just need to live it and live it fully in the NOW.  You don't want to get to the end of your life with regret and life is just way too short to not give it every chance.  Your mindset is the key! Staying positive, focusing your attention on the best outcome(s) is a great start. Visualising the outcome(s) you desire and holding firm to them regardless of what happens around you on your way to achieving these changes.

If this resonates with you.  If you are someone who would benefit from some assistance to shift your mindset and clear the blockages (emotional and physical) that are limiting you, please allow me to assist you to let it all go. Allow me to assist you to feel peace and comfort in your 'unknowing' to gain a sense of knowing that everything will sort itself out as it's supposed to, at the exact right time!  As I said earlier, everything is happening for a reason and the perfect timing is essential for these new creations, these new beginnings, whatever you decide!  Have faith and trust this.  Follow your gut, your intuition.  It's ALWAYS CORRECT. Reach out to me if needed, please.

Trusting in the process of life, without your need to be in control,
 allowing God/Universe to handle the details, creates so much more ease, confidence and certainty.  

I can assist you to create trust, ease, confidence and certainty reach out.

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